Our clients.
Some of our clients
Team Taniwha
Tahuri & Suzanne Tibble are international Muaythai Kickboxing athletes and World Champions. They are the owners of Team Taniwha Academy in Turangi.
Services provided by SCL
Startup Services
Fundraising (Charitable and Corporate)
Real estate strategy and execution
The Property Crowd
To help developers and housing providers raise capital while giving investors the opportunity to participate, benefit and contribute to reshaping our housing future.
Services provided by SCL
Advisory Services
Fundraising (Offshore investment)
Real estate strategy
Cameron Academy
The Cameron Academy is a premiere youth basketball league and sports training academy across New Zealand.
Services provided by SCL
Advisory Services
Real estate strategy
Te Puna Kaiora
Guided by the Te Ara Tauwhirotanga Model & Mahi a Atua principles. We imagine wayfinding through an uncharted taiao the right way. The right time is now; to provide our tangata a safe and warm space in the community, guided by tikanga and informed practice.
Services provided by SCL
Tawharautia Ahau
Mission: Empowering whanau towards mana motuhake with a place to call home.
Vision: Alleviate the housing crisis by pioneering modular home solutions in Aotearoa. Awaken the greatness of our people towards self reliance. Instil a legacy of wealth, hope and charity for our people
Services provided by SCL